Community Involvement

Reception children showcased their work during their EYFS aquarium session. Here is a sample of the work the children produced with the support of our passionate EYFS team.

A huge thank you to #OngarGardenCentre, which have donated five hanging baskets, plants and soil to our school. The children love planting the flowers to hang around our school. #Thankyou.

Year 2 set off to visit The Tower of London. They arrived and were excited for their day ahead. I was very proud of the children as they were able to recall lots of information for their history topic. They were able to make links between their learning and The Tower of London. Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their school trip.

Year 3 looked very smart as they set off on their trip to Saffron Walden Museum wearing the new hi-vis jackets that the PTA purchased for us. #Thankyou

Music has been known to relieve stress and teaches children to focus. It is a form of self-expression, and can help our children to become resilient and confident learners. Mr Clark joined us for an engaging and interactive assembly. #Thankyou 

Reception children thoroughly enjoyed their science workshop with 'Party Dude Parties', where they explored their ocean topic further.

To celebrate #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek we watched 'Awaken The Mental Health Champion Within' to help children begin to navigate their emotions, to build relationships, and to develop a sense of self so that they can successfully handle the challenges that come their way.

Year 4 enjoyed their Trip to #LayerMarneyTower.

SATs week: I have been so impressed with the mature and measured response from all of our Year 6 pupils as they completed their SATs tests. They demonstrated resilience and determination without exception. Thank you to everyone who supported them.

Reading for pleasure opens up new worlds. It provides children the opportunity to use their imagination to explore new ideas and places, while meeting new characters.

It was a pleasure to see two Year Groups working together on their STEM Design Challenge. The children redesigned an animal enclosure following the STEM design process. They had to explain how their enclosure would allow zookeepers to provide better care for the animals.

Through manipulating clay using techniques such as rolling, cutting, and shaping, and using the ‘slip’ and ’score’ method, Year 2 produced three dimensional pots.

Year 3 found out that Egyptians used papyrus paper. The children are trying to produce their own paper so that they can make replica scrolls.

Chess Club proved popular with children attending from Reception to Year 6. The children remained calm and focused in this strategic game.

Teachers enjoy modelling their #Art lessons

One of our pupils shared her passion for football with us. She had a fun packed half term visit to Barcelona playing football whilst winning a trophy and some medals. Well Done! #football #girlsfootball

In Year 4, the children had the most fantastic lesson using the BBC micro:bits. The used their coding knowledge to make the micro:bits sing, display words and pictures by pressing buttons and other controls.

The PTA team held its Easter Extravaganza. What a great success! Well done to those that helped and supported. Thank you from all of us.

Brentwood MP Alex Burghart joined Kelvedon Hatch Community Primary School for an assembly and Q&A with pupils. Alex spoke to pupils about the role of an MP and answered some interesting questions.

The children in Year 6 had a wonderful time at Harry Potter World.

Our wonderful PTA hosted its first Pop Up Shop to celebrate ‘Special Person Day’.

World Book Day: Our children shared their favourite books in their own class and in other classes. Owen said 'It was fantastic to share my book with the Year 5 children'.


Reception and Year 4 children worked together planting donated bulbs to see what will happen. Thanks to Straight Mile Nursery.

St. Nicholas Church
The Love Trail

The Love Trail

Love is...

Heart Labyrinth

Year 6 at the Poppy Service