Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Miss L. King


Summer Term 2024

Year 5 Summer Term Curriculum letter 2024


Learning Links:

Recommended books for Year 5
Top 50 recommended books for Year 5

Relative Clauses

3 times table song
4 times table song
6 times table song
7 times table song
8 times table song
9 times table song

Homework Links
TimesTable Rockstars


Homework will be set on a Thursday and will be due the following Thursday. Homework is set on PurpleMash and MyMaths where children will need to complete a quiz and maths homework based on their current learning. 

Reading should be completed with an adult at home at least 4 times each week and children's reading diaries must be signed please. If a child has not met this target, they will be required to attend reading club for part of their lunchtime.

If children would like some extra things to do at home and have the chance to earn some KHCPS points, then they can create some homework based on their current topic, which is Ancient Greeks. You can create anything from fact files, artwork, diary entries, research, artefacts and much more!


Year 5

This half term the children are starting a 6 week History Topic on Ancient Greeks. The focus of this topic will be looking at who the Greeks were, the importance of Greek Gods, the similarities and differences of Athens and Sparta, democracy, philosophers and achievements. 

In reading this term, we are reading a book by Onjali Q. Rauf called 'The Boy at the Back of the Class'. 

We will be looking at each chapter closely focusing on different reading skills, such as, prediction, retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary. 

In English this term our focus will be on Greek Myths and information texts. The children will cover subordinating conjunctions, story telling, dashes for parenthesis, relative clauses, ambitious vocabulary and lots more!

In Maths our focus will be on place value, looking closely at roman numerals and numbers to 1,000,000.

Our Science topic this half term is 'Forces' where we will be looking at gravity, air resistance, friction and understanding mechanisms. 

Year 5 Curriculum Overview 2023-24

Year 5 Curriculum Overview 2023-24