Local School Committee

Welcome from the Chair of our Local School Committee

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Kelvedon Hatch Community Primary School and to introduce you to the Local School Committee.

Kelvedon Hatch Community Primary School is part of the Discovery Educational Trust and has a dedicated Local School Committee (LSC) that plays a vital role in the governance and strategic direction of our school.

The Local School Committee works alongside the Headteacher and school leaders to ensure that children are safe and have access to the highest quality education.  

The LSC's primary responsibilities include:

●     Monitoring the school's performance and providing challenge to the Headteacher and the Leadership Team;

●     Providing strategic guidance and support to the Headteacher and senior leaders;

●     Monitoring the school’s safeguarding culture to ensure that all pupils are safe whilst in our care;

●     Monitoring the school’s SEND provision to ensure that it is fit-for-purpose;

●     Ensuring the school's vision, values, and ethos are upheld;

●     Representing the interests of parents/carers, pupils, and the local community.

All LSC members are volunteers who give up a huge amount of time to support the school. The LSC is composed of a group of individuals, who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. Our members include:

●     Parent Representatives: Elected by the parent body to ensure the voice of families is heard.

●     Staff Representatives: Elected by the school staff to provide an internal perspective.

●     Other Representatives: Appointed for their knowledge of the local area and commitment to our school.

On behalf of the LSC, I look forward to meeting you in the very near future.


Lee Raftery

Chair of Kelvedon Hatch Community Primary School Local School Committee


To contact the Chair of the Local School Committee or any member of the Local School Committee, please write to the Chair at the school address.


Kelvedon Hatch Community Primary School Local School Committee

Lee has taught in Secondary Education for 20 years. He is a Secondary School Headteacher and holds a National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) and has a Masters Degree in Leadership and Management. He is currently undertaking a National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership (NPQEL).

Stephen has taught in Primary Education both here in the UK and in New Zealand for a collective 25 years. His current role is Deputy Headteacher for a large primary school in Southend. He holds a Bachelor degree in Primary Education, a Masters in Educational Leadership and a National SENDCo qualification. He has a strong interest in teaching and learning, with a particular strength in supporting reading through the curriculum.  

Rhiannon has worked as a HR professional in the legal sector for the last 13 years. She has a passion for diversity, equity and inclusion and is a trained mental health first aider. 

Having grown up with a mother, who is a dedicated teacher of over 30 years, Rhiannon has seen first hand the impact that education and the school setting can have on children's lives.

Madeline has 20 years experience of working in the Financial Services sector, across a range of roles. This overlapped with Madeline qualifying as a psychotherapist and Life/Business Coach 17 years ago. 

In addition to her psychotherapy and coaching qualifications, Madeline has a BA (Hons) in International Business and Modern Languages (French/ Spanish).

Having previously worked within the NHS and for a local Domestic Abuse/relationship support charity, Madeline now runs a private psychotherapy and coaching practice in Essex, and is extremely passionate about mental health and wellbeing. 


Anne worked for ten years in the NHS Speech Therapy service in Newham as lead therapist in a school for physically handicapped children that also had an assessment unit.

She studied for an additional Honours Degree in Psychology and has headed up her own independent speech and language therapy practice since 1994.

Anne has considerable experience with SEND children and works in conjunction with parents/carers and teachers to procure the best outcomes for her clients.

She is currently semi-retired, but retains a small case-load of children with quite specific communication needs.

Victoria feels privileged to have been inspired by three very dedicated educators that helped her strive to make a difference to our future generation's education. Her own Primary School Headteacher, her first Headteacher when embarking on her teaching career and the Year 3 teacher from her own Primary School. All three inspirational people made her realise and understand the important role that teachers play in shaping learners.   

Victoria has held several leadership positions, including being a Deputy Head in a Havering school and, more recently, Head of School in Essex. She is now the proud Headteacher of Kelvedon Hatch Community Primary School. 

As an educator, her priority has always been to enable children to achieve their full potential, enabling them to be safe, happy, respectful, and ready to learn. Victoria believes that every child has success within them and that the key to developing this is forging positive, nurturing relationships with pupils, parents/carers and all stakeholders.

Charlie has worked at Kelvedon Hatch Community Primary School for 11 years and has taught across all of the primary Key Stages.

As a former pupil at the school, Charlie was inspired by his own primary school experiences to become a teacher and now a leader at the school.

Charlie believes in being a positive male role model for the children and feels strongly in the importance of developing positive relationships to support learning. He believes that all children deserve the right to a full and engaging education, which inspires all learners to be the best they can be.

Charlie has a particular interest in maths and aims to build confidence for all learners in this subject.

Charlie understands the importance of building strong foundations and wants all children to leave primary school prepared for the next stage of their learning.

Governor resignations during Academic Year 2024/25

 There have been no Governor resignations during academic year 2024/25.